2. Double Deep Q Network
1. The Gym setup!
0. Learning to play Mario Bros with reinforcement!
Doctoral party 🌟
PhD Defence
3. Making Things Easier with Coroutines!
2. Making a Small Library for particles animation!
1. Shaders: displacement map and Bloom
0. Crafting a mobile shooter game using Three.js, ECS and coroutines!
3. Gluing all together with ECS (Entity-Component-System)!
2. 3D physics for the mobile web!
1. Dynamic textures drawing for Three.js!
0. Building 3D mobile game with Cannon.js physics!
Experiment with Three.js, Blender and pixel-art textures!
Speeding up the Android Virtual Device part 2: using Intel HAXM!
Speeding up the Android Virtual Device part 1: using Geanymotion!
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